Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Box of Goodness

For more Wordless Wednesday photographs visit Faith, Hope & a Whole lotta Love. Enjoy!


  1. A beautiful box of healthy goodness there Vic. I've been thinking of buying my flour in bulk, using so much of it can be expensive when buying it from the shops. Do you know where I can source it in bulk?

  2. Hi Catherine, I get my bulk foods from a whole foods shop in the next town over. They are a 'self serve' shop but also sell in bulk lots of 5 or 20kg. I know of some peoople who order online, but I think unless you're ordering a lot freight costs can be a killer. I can get back to you if you like? Where abouts are you?

  3. Now you have to write a post about what you've made from all this goodness!

  4. Looks wonderful, lots of goodness there! Good on you for taking the step to slow down. We are thinging of doing the same thing. Have a great Wednesday.

  5. This is why I didn't get you to pick mine up-I brought home 60kgs of flour last week, plus the rest of the goodies. :)

  6. 60kg! Makes my 5kg bag look like a baby! I normally get a 20kg bag but we haven't got anywhere to put it yet.

  7. Hi Vic. Thanks for getting back to me. I live just out of Brisbane but I don't mind doing a bit of travel. The shop you're describing sounds great and I'm looking for a good organic shop that stocks well. If it's easier feel free to email me if you like.
    Thanks again:)))

  8. Hey Vicki,
    I've been searching in Toowoomba but haven't fold a bulk food seeler. However I get 10kg bags of flour from the supermarket which isn't too bad.
    Looks like lots of baking ahead. Bec

  9. It's pure serendipity that there is one so close, only 30 minutes away in Hervey Bay. It is a fantastic shop, rows and rows of squillions of different flours, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, everything you can think of! Maybe you guys (Catherine and Bec) could google for co-ops in your area and then the freight costs would be significantly reduced. There are no co-ops around here but I'd love to get one going. Another thing to add to the list! Catherine I'll email you!
    Vic xx

  10. yum!! hope you are making lots of delicious goodies with those :)
